Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Chinese Civil War

The Chinese Civil War started in 1927 and ended in 1950. it was a war between the nationalist party, Kuomingtang and the Chinese Communist Party. During Apr., 1927, Chiang Kai-shek drove the Communists out of Shanghai and executed many of their political leaders. By July the party went in hiding which began the long conflict between the party and the Kuomintang.
In Sept., 1937, after a two-year effort to promote Chinese unity in the face of further Japanese aggression (see Sino-Japanese War, Second), the Communists obtained a truce from Chiang Kai-shek although they had actual military and political control over areas in the northwest. The truce with the Kuomintang broke down in 1939, but Communist guerillas remained the only really effective force against the Japanese in northern China. From 1945 to 1949 party membership swelled as Communist armies took city after city from the Nationalists.

I think this civil war happened mainly because of politics. Some people wanted to have the Chinese government as Communism while others wanted a Nationalist government. Throughout history, there have been many civil wars that happened because of conflicting govenment ideas and politics. Examples could be the Berlin Wall, which was built by a communist party to prevent the civilians from escaping west toward Democracy. Many people realized that Democracy meant more freedom and that is why communist parties used drastic and unreasonable actions in their attempts to maintain their followers. Civil wars happen because of many different reasons. America even had a civil war of its own. Politics influences wars because people are always looking for power and want to be at the top of the pyramid.

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