Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Act 2 Scene 1

Oberon is angry with Titania because she has a changeling boy (a mortal child stolen by fairies), and Oberon wants the boy as a knight of his train. Oberon and Titania meet up and have a quarrel about an Indian boy that she has been spending all of her time with. Titania says she is only with him to serve as a mother for the child, which whom died. Oberon tells Pluck to get a flower known as "love-in-idleness," which makes the person fall in love with the first other person they see when they wake up. Meanwhile, Helena is following Demetrius in the forest. He says he cannot love her, but it makes her want to love him more. Pluck gets the flower and gives it to Oberon, who will place its nectar on the eyelids of Demetrius.

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