Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Act 4 Scene 1

Oberon tells Puck that he will release Titania from the spell because he has seen enough. Oberon orders Puck to change Bottom's head back to its original form and he awakens his queen, who is astonished by the dreams she has had. She tells him about how she loved a donkey. The fairies begin preparing things to celebrate at Theseus' wedding the next day. The next morning Theseus and some others go in the woods hunting. Theseus sees Lysander, Hermia, Demetrius and Helena sleeping on the ground. Lysander tells Theseus about his plan to escape with Hermia but Egeus demands for him to be excecuted. However, Demetrius interupts and states that he no longer has any desire to wed Hermia, now that Helena is the only person he can think about. Theseus is happy and insists that the two reunited couples should marry on the same day that he marries Hippolyta. They all return to Athens, excluding Bottom, who wakes up in the forest and is puzzled by the strange dream he has had.

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