Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Act 3 Scene 2

Pluck tells Oberon of how smoothly he had followed the plan of placing he flower juice on the eyelids of the Athenian. Demetrius and Hermia enter the scene and Puck realizes he has made a mistake and put the juice on the eyelids of Lysander.
Lysander has left Hermia for Helena because she was the first person he saw when he woke up. Unable to find her love, Hermia thinks that Demetrius killed Lysander and she questions him. To fix the problem, Puck is sent to search for Demetrius and putting the magic potion on his eyes. Meanwhile, Lysander suddenly loves Helena due to the power of the flower juice. Lysander and Helena begin arguing. Helena thinks he is mocking her because she knows how much he used to love Hermia. Their voices wake Demetrius, who falls in love with Helena at first sight, due to the effect of Oberon’s potion. Hearing what she believes are Demetrius’ phony declarations of love, Helena is infuriated. She thinks that both Lysander and Demetrius are now making fun of her. Then Hermia stumbles upon the three. Not knowing about the secret potion that changes Lysander’s feelings for her, Hermia is in disbelief when he declares he no longer loves her. Helena thinks that Hermia now too is also in on the joke and can’t believe her best friend could be so cruel-hearted. After the large-scale argument finishes, Oberon forces Puck to fix the problem before the men kill each other. Puck tricks both Lysander and Demetrius by taking on both of their voices. After they are both too tired to try and find one another, they fall asleep in exhaustion. When they awake in the morning, the night’s crazy events will seem like a dream except that only Demetrius will be in love with Helena.

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